As of now, there is hardly any of my code in the repository. For convenience, I plan on using the following libraries, which I have been accustomed to using on the homework assignments: freeglut, glew, glm, and SOIL.
In preparation for my presentation on deferred shading, I have been reading quite a few papers and articles on deferred shading. This has given me a better idea of how I want to set up my g-buffer for the targeted effects. With the current plan, four 32-bit frame buffers will be used, arranged as follows:
- 0 - diffuse.rgb + materialID
- 1 - normal.xy (16 bits each)
- 2 - depth (24 bits) + flags
- 3 - screenSpaceVelocity.xy + objectID
One bit of the flag value will represent the sign of the z component of the normal. However, the storage scheme for the normals will probably be changed. Patrick sent me a very good link about different compression methods that can be used for the normals: